Tuesday, 5 June 2012

4. Gotta get back to Hogwarts

Hi there! Just before you start to read, you'd need to put some music on so it would be more fun. So here is the link CLICK!  ©TeamStarkid (it's gonna be better if you starts at 2:48).

Je n'ai traduit que la première page cette fois, parce que les 3 suivantes sont... disons "musicales". D'ailleurs ça serait encore plus chouettes si vous écoutiez la chanson en question en même temps. CLICK ©TeamStarkid (le mieux serait de la faire démarrer à 2:48) FRENCH

Oh yeah, it was quite a long episode, as I told you, and it took me a lot of time. I even thought I would never finish it, but well, now it's done, and I hope you liked it.

I used a Starkid song because, as you may now, these awesome guys have inspired me this webcomic idea So obviously I really like their musical and it would be great if I also could make you discover it if you don't know them yet. (You can watch their shows there StarkidPotter)

Well, this fourth episode is a kind of opening, though, so the real story's gonna begin now, woaaaaw !

Oh by the way, I also draw other stuff than these comic pages. If you want to you can see it on my deviantArt account.

Have a great week you guys and see you later.


PS: Oh yeah, and I've forgot to tell you: You've met 4 new character, Marion, the Slytherin girl, Ronan, the Ravenclaw guy, Bloom, my owl, and Lilou, Laura's cat.. I should make a "cast" part to introduce each character more properly. I'll do that later, I promise.

And you've also recognized Hagrid ;)

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