Monday, 21 May 2012

3. Actually Connor

A l'attention des moldus, sorciers et sorcières français(es): maman Angel m'a râlé dessus parce qu'elle ne comprenait rien, du coup j'ai traduit les planches. Je les mettrai en lien au début de chaque nouvel épisode, il vous suffira de cliquer sur FRENCH.


Hi guys!

Yeay, it's already holidays for me now. That's great!

Well, about this third episode, you may not find the punch line very funny, but that's actually a kind of private joke between Laura and me. Sometimes, even if I remember people's name, I say it wrong. Once I bought Gordon Ramsay's recipes book and said "Woaw, every Norton's recipes look really tasty" and Laura made fun of me all the week.

The next episode is going to be quite long, and as I don't like the way I've drawn this one, I'm gonna take a little more time to make it better from now. I hope I'll manage to do it in less than 2 weeks. Well, I'll try to do my best.

For those who still have some exams, good luck guys, don't forget to relax sometime ;)


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